Saturday, May 28, 2011

Moses and the burning bush

I was listening to my soundtrack playlist on ITunes at the office and my Prince of Egypt album reminded me how much I enjoy reading about Moses in Exodus.

Moses, though prominent, is usually unappreciated for his short temper which actually led to not being able to step foot on the Promise Land. What I do appreciate in his story is how, despite attempts of denying his purpose, actually left his royal status and came back to Egypt only to obey what God had commanded him to do. He was not perfect, but God's ways in his life were undeniable and he stood up to be a man of God.

One of favorite stories about Moses is when he tried to outsmart God to send someone else to deliver the Israelites from Egypt which is found in Exodus 3. Of course, no one could outsmart God but I do not think less of him for even trying. And the movie Prince of Egypt actually illustrated God in this as fierce and firm yet also very loving and understanding of our doubts in this situation.

I always believed God wants us to be honest with Him, to argue with Him of our thoughts and opinion. By reasoning out, we would fully understand His ways to the point that we will never doubt. It is not a form of disrespect, but rather an appreciation of His willingness amid His greatness to have a relationship with us despite our imperfections.

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