At the same time, I realized my emotions had become vulnerable to the things happening around me. I started to have more and more disagreements with different people, a very unlikely attitude of me.

One, because I heard a go signal from God, and seriously, that's what really matters. He did not tell me until eventually that I was going to win or not, but it really never mattered to me. All I cared about was to do as I was told. And I did.
The other reason, pardon me for saying, is actually because I did not want apathy to preside in the council. I'm scared to see that there will be space for apathy or any sort of denial in the present state of (1) the university, (2) the media, and (3) the society itself. It is indefensible for a member of the student council of the College of Mass Communication in the University of the Philippines to be thinking of the college a separate entity from the

And I know that in my conscience I will not give up this sense of idealism that the university has taught me. And I will not let this happen without a fight.
And so I ran. And I won.
But never did I expect the greater challenges ahead of me, that I had to win when my partner didn't, that I hold the highest position from the political party, that everyone is expecting greatness in me, that I have to be at forefront of the battle of principles, and whatever I do will greatly affect those behind me.
Never did I expected the burden I have to face, and unlike any other burden, this time I really have to face the music alone and to lead other people in facing the same melody I am dancing to.
Did I want this? I'm not sure, but my doubt will never stop me from doing what I think is right.
[mga dinukutan ng litrato: bikoy & joma (as posted for Tinig ng Plaridel website)]
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