Today, our class in EDSP 122, Montessori and Other Approaches to Early Childhood Education, had a field trip to Maria Montessori Foundation (MMF) in Ayala Heights, Alabang. Existing for 28 years now, MMF is considered as one of the most authentic Montessori schools in the country.
We were assigned by pairs to observe children ages 3 to 6 years old in class.
Two kids, Iris and Alfonse, caught my attention. They got animal puzzles in their hands, placed the pieces on table where I was.
Iris: Wait for me.
Alfonse: Ok. I'll go slowly.
They placed their last pieces at the same time. Afterwards, they got up, put the puzzles back in its place and took a new material, this time, picture cards of the different parts of the turtle and horse. After enumerating the parts correctly, the teacher asked them to get their writing boards t work on a sort of diagnostic test. Iris took their colored pencils while Alfonse got papers and their writing board.
As they were writing, Iris's pencil broke and so she grabbed one of Alfonse's pencils. As it seemed like, Alfonse was quite annoyed by Iris's grabbing and thus, conflict start. Still working...
Alfonse: You're always making me sad.
Iris: People always make me happy... except my mom... except you.
Alfonse: You're making me want to go. You've been my friend for many days.
Iris: You're still my friend. Only a few people are my friends.
Alfonse: I'll share you my toys.

And they're happy again. They went on to talk about Harry Potter and Transformers. Iris was able to finish her work first.
Iris: Can I wait for you?
Teacher: Iris, put away your things. You're going home soon.
Iris: I have to keep my things now. I'll b going home soon.
Alfonse: Fine. Bye. Not friend.
Iris: No. (she comes closer to Alfonse) I love you.
Teacher calls Iris. Iris hugs her teacher and says goodbye to everyone.
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