Monday, January 21, 2008


Ever since we started consulting our thesis adviser through email, I’ve started having problems opening my mail. For some reason, I start to dread the idea that I had to know what she wants us to do and things of that sort.

For one thing, I believe Weng and I had been honest enough to show her that we’re having problems as to where our thesis would lead us. At the same time, we have no experience of whatsoever in doing surveys, much more analyzing them. Moreover, she knew we started out our data gathering quite late that if she demands a copy of the first draft by this month, we’d probably be dead by now or we won’t be graduating this April at all.

However, in fairness to our adviser, she never told us of any deadlines yet, which is good because a deadline to her is really a DEADline. The bad side of that of course is that we felt the pressure only this month.

Anyway, I had been sending her emails since last week and god, she responds immediately and I mean IMMEDIATELY, as if always online. We came to a point that she asked me if Weng and I would be able to pass our first draft by the end of January.

Ohmygod. Pressure…

And so, I told her honestly we couldn’t. We’re targeting for the third week of January (Crap. Almost a month from now. Interview with professors. Interview with deans and department heads. Surveys. 9 Metro Manila schools, 1 from Dagupan, Pangasinan, 1 from Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya, and 1 from Legaspi, Albay. Map, anyone?) However, we’re revising our proposal and that we hand to her by next week.

And now, I still dread the idea that I have to know what she has to say.

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