Friday, April 11, 2008

updates on that incomplete grade

Three days after trying to get hold of that professor...

I went back to Real, Quezon Tuesday afternoon. On my way back, the professor texted, telling me that she will not accept my papers to be fair to those who passed on time. Instead, she will assign a new topic to write about for completion. When I asked her what it is, she didn't respond and left me hanging again.

I texted our sort-of class president, Ate Alice, who has been texting the professor for me (and crap, how I love her for her support). The professor told her she will me emailing us for instructions on the completion process sometime this week.

Come Wednesday, the college has already submitted a list of graduating students to the university registrar. Weng talked to the people involved with the student records and they told her that although they already have a list of their own for the college graduation, they wont release it until they start doing the program.

That evening, I received an email telling us that the list wont be official until the Board of Regents approve it. The meeting will be sometime April 23.

I opened my email this morning to find out she has responded to my classmates' questions of the requirements they lack such that they were given the incomplete grade. However, she did not say anything about my case or respond to all my emails to her. Moreover, of all the emails I sent her, she never responded to any.

My friends from the college of education told me the professor will be handling summer classes (MTW 7am-2pm). That means I am sure to have an opportunity to talk to her and pass her immediately my requirements next week, unless she deliberately ignores me.

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